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September Gardening Tips of The Month
Fertilize Bermuda-grass lawns with Nigrogen each month beginning late April or early May according to the directions on the package.
Apply Iron each month according to the directions on the package.
Apply one inch of water per week to Bermuda lawns.
To remove a Bermuda lawn:
* Water and fertilize the grass to ensure that it is actively growing.
* Apply a herbicide with glyphosate according to the directions on the package.
* The grass will take in the herbicide throughout the entire root system, thus killing the plant rather than just knocking it back.
* After a few days water again.
* Reapply the herbicide to any of the turf that regrows.
* Continue this cycle (may take three or more times) of fostering growth and applying herbicide until the grass is completely killed.Vegetables
Solarize garden soil: Prepare bed for fall planting, irrigate and then cover with clear plastic for six weeks. This will kill or drive out many of the soil pathogens.
Prepare bed for fall planting.
Plant Seeds.
Snap Beans, Beets, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Chinese Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Chard, Collard
Greens, Cucumbers, Endive, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lettuce (Head & Leaf) Leeks, Mustard, Green Onions, Peas, Radishes, Spinach,
TurnipsPlant Transplants.
Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Chinese Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, Chard, Lettuce (Head & Leaf)
RosesResume full fertilizing of established roses as the weather cools.
Toward the end of August and into September add an iron supplement if roses show yellowing from iron deficiency.
Fruit and Nut TreesLate summer application of nitrogen fertilizer probably helps fruit sizing. This is more significant for fall ripening (navels & tangerines) than spring ripening (Grapefruit and Valencia orange) varieties.
Apply nitrogen and zinc to pecan trees to produce normal size leaf growth and to enhance kernel development. Pecans also need more water than most other shade trees.
Landscape Plants
Increase water application as the weather warms.
Apply mulch to the ground around heat sensitive plants, keep the roots cooler and prevent evaporation.
Apply chelated iron to bottle brush, pyracantha, silk oak, and other plants with iron deficiency symptoms.
Cut off spent blooms to stimulate rebloom.
Native and imported heat tolerant plants can be planted right through the summer months. They will need to be watered on a regular basis until fall.Transplant palms in the heat of the summer for best results.
Protect newly transplanted trees from heavy winds and dust storms by staking carefully.
Late August or early September fertilization will benefit most plants struggling to have a flush of growth before slowing down for the winter. The growth put on before dormancy will store more energy during the winter that will be available to the plant when it pushes growth in the spring.
Don't List . . .
Do not expose citrus and other sun sensitive plants to sunburn by pruning during the summer.Do not increase opportunities for fungal disease on turf by over watering or watering at night.
DO NOT OVER WATER which will result in root rot. Allow the soil to dry out between watering.