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February Gardening Tips of The Month
Prepare garden soil for Spring planting.
Plant Seeds.
Beets, Bok Choy, Carrots, Chard, Collard Greens, Corn, Cucumbers, Leaf Lettuce, Melons (Cantaloupe, Muskmelon, Watermelon), Mustard, Green Onions, Peas, Potatoes, Radishes, Spinach, Summer Squash, Sunflowers, Turnips.
Plant Transplants.
Artichokes (Globe & Jerusalem), Asparagus, Chard, Kohlrabi, Lettuce, Onion Sets, Peppers, Tomatoes.
Finish pruning roses by the middle of the month.
Transplant bare root roses.
Begin fertilizing established roses with granular fertilizers about the middle of the month. Remember to water the day before application and the day after.
Fruit and Nut Trees
Finish pruning deciduous fruit trees and grapes by the middle of the month.
Transplant bare root deciduous fruit trees. Select varieties which require less than 400 hours of chilling.
Fertilize deciduous fruit trees with nitrogen when they leaf out.
Prune frost sensitive citrus after it begins to leaf out with new spring growth.
Landscape Plants
Protect plants from frost damage if the temperature is projected to drop down in to the 20's for more than an hour.
Finish pruning nonnative deciduous shade trees, and grapes by the middle of the month.
Transplant bare root plants.
Move living Christmas Trees outside to a shaded, cool location. Transplant into permanent location as soon as soil temperatures warm.
Water at least once a month unless rains provide adequate moisture.
Control weeds while they are young, tender, and their roots are manageable, or before they sprout. Be sure to remove before they set
seed. Remove London Rocket and other weeds in the mustard family now to prevent large populations of False Chinch bugs in April.Winter watering schedules should be adjusted to about 1/3 of the summer frequency for deciduous and dormant plants, but water
deeply each time. Growing flowers may require once to twice per week watering depending on the weather.Prune frost sensitive plants like bougainvillea after they begin to leaf out with new spring growth.
Make plans for Arbor Day, April 25th.
Don't List . . .
DO NOT prune frost sensitive plants, especially if they have been damaged by frost.
DO NOT fertilize frost sensitive plants.
DO NOT over water or over fertilize winter lawns as this will encourage rapid succulent growth which is vulnerable to fungal diseases.
DO NOT water turf at night. Moisture and cool temperatures invite fungal diseases.
DO NOT mow when turf is wet. By wounding the plant (mowing) while it is wet you increase the likelihood of fungal infection. In
addition, you increase the likelihood of spreading the fungus on the tires of the mower and on your shoes.